We enable cities to go
zero waste...

We combine the connected products economy
with the circular economy.

We provide smart reusable packaging systems that replace problematic single use packaging.
We make returning these products simple, convenient and digitally enabled.

Innovation Awards
ch00ze partners
disposables saved from landfill
return rate

ch00ze v2.0

by Circular City

Our ch00ze system has had a major upgrade!

ch00ze v2.0 is a technology platform that enables Food & Beverage outlets and Property management to work together to achieve collective waste reduction targets through a smart reuse & return takeout packaging programme!

ch00ze makes lending reusable tablewares easy and convenient, with no need to collect deposits, or worry about lost inventory.

A packaging agnostic platform, ch00ze allows businesses to be in control of their branding, their choice of tablewares and their own operations.

Explore ch00ze

Traceable and transparent

We believe that change will only happen if we can measure the results.
Through item level tracking, we can follow each item through every touchpoint to provide traceability and transparency to the world of reuse & return, whether you're an individual or an organisation that wants to track your impact.
No more paying for "wish-cycling".
No more paying for false claims.

We give you reliable, transparent tracking and insights in real time.

Impact dashboards displaying reuse & return ESG data for Circular City/ch00ze.club zero waste systems
A happy CHOOSE:REUSE customer borrowing a reusable coffee cup ib Hong Kong.  ch00ze

Our journey

...and learned experience!

2024 - ch00ze v2.0 launch!
- Entered into the Events space for tracked returnable cups
2022, Nov - Scaled ch00ze network to 40+ outlets across Hong Kong
2022, Oct - Accepted into Cyberport Incubation Programme
2022, July - Launched ch00ze.club community network with 6 coffee shops & 1 NGO partner.
2021, Nov - Innovation award winner from Food Made Good HK awards ceremony.
2021, Nov - Innovation award winner from City I&T Grand Challenge.
2021, July - Launched CHOOSE: REUSE proof of concept pilot, funded by Cyberport.

Benefits of reuse & return in your business

+Save money
+Reduce waste
+Reduce scope 3 emissions
+Engage employees/tenants/customers with green initiatives
+Increase sales
+Increase customer loyalty
+Improve brand reputation

explore with us today
A customer using ch00ze app to borrow a reusable coffee cup in Hong Kong.

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July 19, 2022
Hong Kong Free Press

Hong Kong disposes 400 million coffee cups yearly; NGO says gov’t should promote use of reusable tableware

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April 23, 2023
HKIBC English News

All About Money | Circular City HK's Tim Parker on smart cup-sharing networks, circular economy

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November 11, 2022

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Sing Tao Daily 星島日報

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January 29, 2023

Sustainability: Interview with Tim Parker, co-founder of the Circular City

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